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sound:psg:mml [2020/05/07 14:58] – ↷ Page moved from sound:mml to sound:psg:mml arkhansound:psg:mml [2020/07/25 05:18] (current) – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation arkhan
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-MML stuff+====== What is MML? ====== 
 +MML stands for Music Macro Language and is used to describe sheet music on a computer.  It dates back to the 70s, and saw it's big boom in the BASIC environment of Japanese microcomputers.  As it evolved, players and editors also came to be, and it became one of the most common ways to create music for fun, or for commercial software. 
 +===== Syntax ===== 
 +The following is a brief syntactical explanation based off of what is seen most commonly in MML for MSX, PC-98, and PC-Engine using Squirrel.  Your mileage my vary slightly, so always check your MML system's documentation. 
 +^  Character  ^  Meaning 
 +|  cdefgab      |  A note of music. May optional be followed by a number representing note length     | 
 +|  + or #  |  Sharp a note    | 
 +|  R  |  A rest     | 
 +|  T#  |  The tempo with a number     | 
 +|  O#  |  The octave (usually 1 thru 8)     | 
 +|  V#  |  The volume (usually 0-15 or 0-31)     | 
 +|  > or <  |  Shift an octave up or down one     | 
 +|  L#.  |  The default note length (One of musical significance: 1,2,4,8,16,32,64)    | 
 +|  &  |  Tie.  Used to tie two notes without a retrigger.  Great for legato    | 
 +=== Small Example === 
 +Lifted from a larger MML file for Shadow of the Beast's music, redone for PCE by Arkhan 
 +Listen to the full song here: [[|Shadow of the Beast Plains Theme For PCE (mp3)]] 
 +===== Notable Uses ===== 
 +  * Yuzo Koshiro of Streets of Rage Fame utilized MML and a self modified version for the majority of his most famous works 
 +===== Relevant Software ==== 
 +  * [[sound:psg:mml:squirrel|Squirrel: A PC Engine MML System (on this Wiki)]] 
 +  * [[|3MLE, a Mabinogi/MapleStory software program]] 
 +    * Provides an MML editor and player with MIDI instrumentation, along with a piano roll 
 +  * [[|Visual MML]] 
 +    * Make MML noise in a browser! (Flash Required) 
 +==== External Resources ==== 
 +  * [[|ChipMusic MML@Woolyss]] 
 +    * I think this is the first video-game MML site with information and tools.  Full of info. 
 +  * [[|Electronic Music's MML writeup]] 
 +    * A much more thorough write-up of MML than what appears in this Wiki, with more historical context and details! 
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