Silent Debuggers Is A WIP


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grafx:concepts [2020/08/02 16:34] sunteamgrafx:concepts [2020/08/02 16:34] (current) sunteam
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 {{:grafx:red_alert_04.gif|}} {{:grafx:red_alert_04.gif|}}
 Varying the style of shading can significantly alter the perceived texture of an object. A lot of dithering can make things look rougher, older or dirtier. See the examples below, both of rock, but using very different shading styles. Varying the style of shading can significantly alter the perceived texture of an object. A lot of dithering can make things look rougher, older or dirtier. See the examples below, both of rock, but using very different shading styles.
 {{:grafx:wataru_02.gif|}} {{:grafx:wataru_03.gif|}} {{:grafx:wataru_02.gif|}} {{:grafx:wataru_03.gif|}}
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